*****tetibe mlm nie, raser MALAZZZZ sgt nak stdy!!! Haha..beselah..mlm sabtu..nak wilek2 kowt!!! Dr ptg td aku duk tgok raja lawak minggu ke-4..mmg ketawa sakan..sampe my housemate pom dgr! Haha..aku mmg suke tgk raja lawak!! X taw knape..they make me laugh!!!sewiuzly!!!:)
*****then, tgah duk2 usha youtube, tetibe dpt link utk dgr lagu ….
“Tolong ingatkan aku”, By Ana Rafali..
*****if im not mistaken..diz song has been lifted s da song of da yer!!! “ tolong ingatkan aku” menang AJL!!wakakaka..aku baru je taw malam nih (apekah zurida, lambat giler ko!!!) Tapi…ader tapi nyer…1st time dgr..ish, ape mkne lagu nih sbenarnye??? Tertanye2 pulak…bahasa yg dgunakan tersgt la puitis..n from nowhere..i became anxious to know What’s in the song
, “Tolong Ingatkan Aku”?
*****biler carik2…aku tetibe tertarik sgt ngan meaning dia…;)
Jangan disusun kata-kata penamat
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Fulamak!! Memang Malay High Level dah nih…so..bile bacer2 balik..actually dia nak cakap yg…in every relationship… there’ll be some heated arguments. So, wat shez trying to say dat…plis la plis la n plis la…jgn cakap perkataan “kiter clash” ataupom “ hubungan kiter sampe takat nie je” camtuh la…contohnyer… so,,let the negative thoughts be gone – absorbed by the silence. Just be soundless but not die off. Kire mcm…don’t let the anger take over and just let it cool down dulu…. Menyepi tuh x bermakna..the game is over!! No!!!just bg maser utk same2 pk kan care perbaiki hubungan..cm tuh la kowt..;)
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
?? Please remind me of the story when you’ve realized it already, and have taken (steal) the time to spend it with me…erm..x taw nak xplain cmner..hua hua hua,,,masing2 pnyer perception lah kowt part nih!!!it’s up to u guys!!!
And nih part yg paling aku nak highlight kat sinie…ntah la..tetibe nak tujukan part nih to “sumone”…sumone yg I cant mention her name here..bcoz I do sure, she will know by herself…actually, I ader pegy blog u a few days ago..n I was extremely sad…ntah..xleyh nk describe prasaan time tuh…awk ckp awk benci sy..hu hu hu…apepom.mekaseh sgt9!!! sy sgt menghargai cz awk risaukan keadaan sy kat sinie…tq awak..!! sy dah sembuh dah!! Alhmdulillah..:) tp part yg bile awk mention yg awk msih benci sy..kiter raser sedeyh.. I know I dah wat sumting very9 bad to u…n I don’t deny dat…I admitted ..it was my mistakes…but…evitin dah happen..sy tahu luke ituh msih tinggal parut yg sgt mendalam pd awak..tp..knape awk msih benci kat saye…Sy ingat awk dah lupekan semua..n bahgia ngan hidup awk sekarang..n kte dah boleyh jd kawan yg walaupun scare ‘senyap2’…but I was wrong..Totally wrong…cz it seems yg sy bertepuk sbelah tgan…awk xnak pom jd my fren..mcm tue la kot…dats the one ting dat I can conclude after read ur blog…;(
Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
So..kat part nih…maksudnyer ala2…Let’s break the old score board and erase the 555 book . biarkan the hurt heal itself and be forgotten with each passing day. Kan bagus law we just stop counting the mistakes since long time ago, forget & delete it from the memory and let time heal the heartaches.
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
When you are with me…( as a friend) every beat of my heart jumps out, and my soul sings…bcoz im hoping dat u will become a friend of mine!!!
p/s: sy yakin org yg awak maksudkan tuh adalah saya..hehe..tp law bukan..maksudnye sy
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